Scales of Justice

American Heart Month

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February is known for hearts for Valentine’s Day, but also for healthy hearts. February is American Heart Month and our law firm is a huge supporter of health for our team members and creating awareness in our community.

What is American Heart Month?

American Heart Month is a time the nation turns its attention to keeping families and communities free from heart disease, the No. 1 killer of Americans.

The federally designated event reinforces the importance of heart health and the need for more research, with a reminder to get families, friends, and communities involved. It’s a tradition that’s over half a century strong.

The first proclamation was issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson in February 1964, nine years after he had a heart attack. Since then, the president has annually declared February American Heart Month.

How can American Heart Month make a difference?

We can use this month to raise awareness about heart disease and how people can prevent it — both at home and in the community.

Here are just a few ideas:

Encourage families to make small changes, like using spices to season their food instead of salt.

Motivate teachers and administrators to make physical activity a part of the school day. This can help students start good habits early.

Ask doctors and nurses to be leaders in their communities by speaking out about ways to prevent heart disease.

How does Carr and Carr Attorneys in Oklahoma make a difference?

For the community, we partner with Fleet Feet in Tulsa for the Turkey Trot 5k and with Red Coyote in Oklahoma City for a fun run. Both runs bring communities together to raise shoes and money for the Homeless. This is a great event to get our neighbors and team members together and get active.

Carr and Carr also promotes healthy living in our offices with our FIT program. The firm has partnered with United Health Care and donates $3 a day into each team member’s HSA account for reaching daily goals tracked though a Fit Bit.

  • Frequency: 500 steps in 7 minutes; six times a day, at least one hour apart
  • Intensity: 3,000 steps in 30 minutes
  • Tenacity: 10,000 steps in one day

Participating has more than just financial rewards. Research suggests that walking and staying active can help employees:

  • stay at a healthy weight
  • prevent or manage certain conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and type-2 diabetes
  • strengthen bones’
  • decrease feelings of depression
  • improve balance and coordination.

How can you make a difference?

Here are a few ideas to get started

  • Spread the word: Post on Facebook, Insta and/or Tweet about American Heart Month
  • Host a community event to promote heart health, even as simple as a neighborhood walk or a healthy cooking segment
  • Encourage your children’s teachers to incorporate more physical activity in the school day
  • Incorporate an after-dinner walk every night with your family and neighbors
  • Host the biggest loser competition in your office, to encourage healthy weight loss
  • Donate to the American Heart Association to continue to create awareness and conduct research
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