Scales of Justice

Daycare Abuse

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With so much dramatic media coverage of abusive behavior toward children in daycare environments, many parents come to believe that such abuse is more prevalent than it actually is. In reality, such cases occur only rarely. In our over 30 years of practicing law, we have helped families through the heartache and anguish of varied forms of abusive behavior towards children in the daycare setting. We understand families’ rights and advocate for families on every front.

Parental Awareness
As parents, vigilance is the best tool we have to prevent occurrences of abuse. It is critical that we observe our child’s behaviors and monitor for any suspicious changes. Is your child depressed or deeply unhappy about his/her daycare situation? Have sleeping habits changed? Has an inappropriate interest in sexual matters developed? All of these are red flags that a problem may be present.

Close Communication with Your Child
Communicate closely with your child from the earliest possible age. For very young children, this may mean “playing school” to help your child act out the events of the day and release any memories that may be troubling. Be sure to communicate with your child in a relaxed, non-judgmental setting, so opening up will be easy and ongoing communication will be assured.

Establishing Boundaries
Finally, have that critically important conversation with your child about his/her private boundaries. It is essential that children know what areas are off limits to others, and that they prepared to respond with a firm “no,” or cries for help if necessary, the instant a caregiver attempts to cross those boundaries.

If you suspect the worst at your daycare facility, immediately remove your child from that setting and contact law enforcement. Our offices are located in Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Fort Smith and Lowell, Arkansas. Our experience assisting families in crisis could help you as you address this frightening situation. Please contact Carr & Carr, Attorneys at Law today to schedule your private consultation.

Posted by Patti

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