Scales of Justice

Three-year-old Girl Swallows 37 High-powered Magnets

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A young girl who swallowed 37 Bucky Ball high-powered magnets.  The magnets tore three holes in her lower intestines and one in her stomach.  Her mother said, “If we had any idea what they could have done to her, we would have never had them in our house.”

Similar super-magnets are sold under the names Neocubes, Neoballs, Nanodots and Zen Magnets, among others.

If your child has been hurt due to swallowing super magnets, you should contact the personal injury attorneys at Carr & Carr.  We help families across the United States from our Oklahoma offices in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. An experienced lawyer can help you determine what your next steps should be.

Remember,there are certain time limits within which you must file a lawsuit to protect any rights you might have.  These time limits are called “statute of limitations.”  If you want to preserve your rights, you must file a law suit against each person or company whom you might make a claim against before the time limits expire.  Any person who is sued after these time deadlines will be able to have the claims against them dismissed.

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