Scales of Justice

Torch Fuel: Danger Lurks Outside Your Home

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With warmer weather here, families need to know about the dangers of tropical torches and particularly the kerosene-like fuel used in such torches.  While adults may take care to keep torch fuel safely locked away from children at home, other locations may not be as safe.   The problem is, you never know whether other families have taken the same safety precautions that your family takes at home.

Just a tiny bit of the yellow-tinted, sweet-smelling liquid is enough to kill or seriously injure a child.  And to make matter worse, the clear plastic bottle that torch fuel is sold in is barely distinguishable from an apple juice bottle.

Places Where  Torches Might Be — Along With Dangerous Torch Fuel

  • Campgrounds — Family-friendly campgrounds are typically filled with children and adults, many times hanging out at a neighboring campsite.  While adults typically watch for the easily recognizable hazards like campfires, many don’t think about deadly torch fuel.  If there are  torches, somebody has probably brought a clear plastic bottle filled with a yellow liquid that has the power to kill or seriously injure a toddler. 
  • Picnics — Some types of torch fuel include a citronella product which claims to keep bugs away.  Regardless of whether the bug repellent works, the liquid is still incredibly dangerous.
  • Luaus Or Pool Parties — The festive events typically continue after dark when tropical torches are lit.  And if there are torches, there will be the toxic torch fuel.
  • Friends’ Or Neighbors’ Backyards — Also, there might be a storage shed or large outdoor container where torch fuel is stored.  Many times these are not locked.
  • Vacation Resorts — Tropical hotels have beautiful grounds often lit with exotic outdoor fire torches.  When the fuel burns down, somebody has to fill up the canisters.  What if that groundskeeper is not aware of the dangers of torch fuel and leaves a bottle of the deadly liquid where a toddler can reach it?

If your child has swallowed torch fuel, email the experienced torch fuel injury lawyers at Carr & Carr.  Our Oklahoma personal injury attorneys have experience helping parents and relatives of children who have been injured or killed due to torch fuel oil incidents. Because we believe so strongly the these horrible accidents need to stop, we will travel anywhere in the United States to investigate torch fuel incidents.  We currently represent families of children harmed in Iowa, Florida, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Oklahoma.

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