Scales of Justice

I was injured without my seatbelt on. Do I still have a case?

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Fortunately, about 85% of drivers routinely wear seatbelts.  However, there are still many drivers who don’t wear seatbelts sometimes.  If you are in a car wreck, not having  a seatbelt on can cause you to be more injured than if you were wearing one.  Many people hurt in car wrecks that don’t have their seatbelts on wonder if they still have a case.  In other words, does not having a seatbelt on prevent you from obtaining compensation for your injuries? The answer is No.   We can still help you obtain compensation for your injuries, any lost wages and pain and suffering.

It’s also worth remembering that sometimes a seatbelt can brake during a collision because the seatbelt itself was defective.  Many vehicles over the years have been recalled due to defective seatbelts.  If this happened to you, then we could help you obtain compensation from the manufacturer of the vehicle.

Please contact our Tulsa car accident lawyers so we can help you obtain what’s fair. We have offices in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Northwest Arkansas.  If you live outside of those cities, or even outside of these states, we can also help you.

Free Consultation (918) 747-1000
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