Scales of Justice

Enfamil and Similac formulas linked to babies dying

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baby formula

Baby formula linked to Neonatal Medical condition in premature babies. NEC only occurs in 1 out of every 2,000 full-term live births in the U.S., but in 10% of all premature babies.

Similac and Enfamil infant formula products have been the subject of recent lawuits for families whose premature babies suffered or died from necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) after taking one of these formulas.

Carr and Carr attorneys at law have helped cases across the United States with clients who have been injured or have lost their life due to an unsafe product. If you know someone who was injured or died as a result of using a baby formula, give us a call today. We have been serving our clients for 50 years and are here to help you. Our team meets with clients for a free consultation to review your case and let you know what your options are. We have successfully helped Oklahomans and people across the country for three generations.

Recent media outlets have drawn attention to the fact that medical research has linked cow mil-based infant formulas like Similac and Enfamil to NEC, which is a dangerous neonatal medical condition. The manufacturers of these products did not warn families about this danger.

Effects of NEC can vary widely. Some infants have hardly any outward signs, while for others it is extremely serious and life-threatening. If the infection is not stopped quickly enough it may leave dead tissue in the baby’s intestines.

If this occurs surgery will be necessary to remove the dead intestinal tissue and repair any perforations. A narrowing of the intestine can result, which can make it difficult for food to pass through. If NEC results in surgical removal of intestinal tissue, it can cause short bowel syndrome and impact development and growth.

Although data is present, Mead and Abbott have continued to present their products to the public as safe, and have a duty to warn about the risks of NEC and their baby formula products but deliberately failed to include any such warning while continuing to market their products as safe.

Our lawyers fight hard to recover the financial relief and peace of mind surviving family members need after a death of a loved one, and we have an extensive record of success in these cases.

If you believe a loved one’s death was caused by dangerous product like Enfamil or Similac formulas, please call us at 888-232-5158 or contact us online to tell us your story now.

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