If you are involved in a car accident that is not your fault, you may wonder whose insurance company has to pay to make up for your pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages, etc. The answer to this question partly depends on whether or not you have uninsured motorist coverage on your insurance policy. Uninsured motorist coverage, also called Underinsured Motorist Coverage, or UM, is designed to compensate you in cases where the at-fault driver does not liability insurance or does not have enough liability insuarance.
In Oklahoma, the minimum amount of liability insurance a driver has to carry is $25,000.00. So, if another driver collides into you and causes you significant injuries, then that $25,000.00 liability policy might not be enough to cover you for your damages. In cases such as this, your uninsured motorist coverage will step in and make up the difference.
Uninsured motorist coverage also helps when the other driver does not have any liabiltiy policy at all. In Oklahoma, 25% of drivers do not carry liability insurance.
If you are unsure whether you have uninsured motorist coverage, or if you are having trouble getting a fair settlement from your own insurance carrier, please contact our attorneys at Carr and Carr. Carr and Carr has been helping Oklahomans for over 45 years.